Friday, June 28, 2013

Making Quick Money with MCA May Not Last Without A System

Our approach to making fast money has always been this.

When you make money fast it leaves even faster. So when the decision was made to include the video from Rey Dinero as part of our Marketing page it came with much thought.

Through our system, our focus is on building our Team first - but we also wanted our team to earn money while we built our team and so MCA made a ton of sense.

We know people do want fast money and fast money goes faster; But we felt that if we could apply this approach for Motor Club of America - combined with our system that's already in place, designed to teach people skills - that our team Could make money fast And learn how to grow the money, rather than lose it.

Making money the Fast Way is what I call it.

A simple plan of paying for success that absolutely will work for everyone and will not require much money from you at all.

In fact it has a "Pay It Forward" aspect that I've always liked.

Since it only costs $40 to get started, what Rey suggests is simple yet powerful.

You make a Deal with the First Few People you put into MCA - you tell them that you'll pay them $40 back after they sign up. You still make $40 when you do this. Make this offer to 10 people and that's $400 that you can make very quickly.

The flip side is this is some what risky.

You want people to sign up for MCA because they want the benefits. The last thing you want are a bunch of chargebacks; So while this is the QUICK way to make money it can also be the death nail in your coffin if you're sharing it with the wrong people.

Our suggestion is simple. Use this approach within our 1mlmsystem

-  so that you're making this deal with other people who will turn around and do the same for themselves. Using this approach you and your team can build a network very quickly, make a lot of money along the way AND have additional streams of income because you're working with the group!

Check out "MCA The Fast Money Approach" featuring the controversial video now -

Also read our previously related articles on MCA


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